Person riding a side by side on sand dunes

Side By Side Insurance: The Basic Principles of Auto Insurance

While insurance might not be everyone’s favorite expense in life, regardless of what you’re insuring, it is undeniably an important and crucial necessity in many areas. Auto insurance, for example, is a requirement by the state in order to legally operate a vehicle on the roads as a matter of public safety and protection for other drivers as accidents do and will occur.

Side by side insurance, ATV insurance and other forms of insurance for recreational vehicles are not required in the same way that traditional auto insurance is, however, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek to protect your personal liability or financial interests around the inherent risks that come with owning and operating such vehicles.

At Side X Side Insurance, we combine our deep knowledge, experience and connections in the insurance industry with our passion for motorsports in order to provide you with the side by side insurance you both need and can afford. We work with major insurance providers to customize the coverage options that best suit your needs all at the most competitive rates by receiving insurance quotes and tailoring the coverage to your desires. Today, we’d like to take an overview of the basic principles of auto insurance, which is the same framework within which side by side insurance and ATV insurance operate. This will help you better understand which type of coverage is best for you as well as specifically what it will and won’t cover.

Insurance Basics

Essentially, insurance is a contract between an insurance company and the policyholder in which the policyholder agrees to pay a certain premium to the insurance company and in return the insurance company agrees to pay losses from accidents as defined within the contract (known as the policy). Most auto insurance policies include liability, property and medical coverage. The policyholder decides how much liability they are willing to cover (a deductible) and the insurance policy covers the rest of the expenses.

  • Liability coverage pays for any damage or bodily injury caused by the policyholder in which they hold legal responsibility
  • Property coverage pays for damage to, or theft of, the automobile
  • Medical coverage pays for any costs to treat injuries, rehabilitation or even lost wages and/or funeral expenses relating to a covered accident involving the policyholder

Comprehensive Coverage

This type of policy provides the most coverage and works the same with side by side insurance or ATV insurance as it would with traditional auto insurance. This coverage reimburses the policyholder for loss due to damage, theft or something other than a collision with another vehicle (fire, falling objects, etc.). This type of coverage is a great way to protect your investment in side by sides and other ATVs because as the name suggests, it’s very comprehensive.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage pays for damage to your insured vehicle resulting from a collision with another car or object (so a collision of any kind), even if you’re at fault for the accident. Seeing as how side by sides are driven, a strong collision coverage policy at a minimum should be considered to protect your financial investment in the vehicle should an accident occur. This is true whether you’re at fault or not as it is likely the other party may have no coverage, and obviously there is no other party in the more likely scenario of a single-vehicle accident.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

If you are involved in an accident with another motorist who does not have insurance coverage or had insufficient coverage for the loss, this kind of policy protects you (often applicable in hit-and-run situations). This coverage could also cover the policyholder as a pedestrian.

Get Your Quote Today!

Just like any of your valuable assets, it’s important to protect your investment in these beautiful machines just like you would with your home or car. Side by side insurance doesn’t have to be expensive to adequately cover the potential damage they could take, so instead of taking that risk and losing thousands of dollars, reach out to us for a free quote and we can help provide the specific, flexible and affordable coverage you need!